Poll: Payment Gateways

With the release of Vantage coming soon, our new theme framework is mostly done. All our themes will now have the same code for similar features and functions – including payment processing. In addition, all payment gateways will be created as plugins. This allows us to create a single gateway plugin that can be used in ClassiPress, JobRoller, Clipper and Vantage.

We wanted to know what gateways you are interested in having the most. We have seen suggestions in the forums and on the ideas exchange but thought a poll would be a great way to measure the demand for this.

The options in the poll below represent some of the gateways we might consider adding as a plugin. There are a ton of gateway solutions available. If you don’t see the one you’re interested in, mention it in a comment below. There’s a chance that one of our community developers would be interested in creating it for our upcoming plugin and child theme marketplace.

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 Comments (50)

  • customer

    PagSeguro – Please!
    Brazil is PagSeguro

  • Hanno Coetzee

    What about MonsterPay or Payfast those are the only reliable gateways for South Africans. paypal is no good as the do not trade in ZAR. I have Classipress and not using it because of no payment gateway which works for us

    2 people like this.
  • u7

    iDeal please. This gateway is already very popular in the Netherlands and probably available in whole Europe soon.

    2 people like this.
  • Hans

    Learn from WooThemes.com. They have implemented 53 payment gateways for their e-commerce solution.


    Payment gateways are a very national thing. I’m Danish, so I really need DIBS, but since my country is small, of course the voting won’t do me any good. Nobody will vote for DIBS. Anyway this just means that you will not have Danish customers.

    Do like WooThemes and get a lot of payment gateways rolling. Then your business will take off.

    Anonymous likes this.
    • author

      That’s our goal Hans. We are completing our payments API then will start producing gateways and inviting others to create gateways to sell in our marketplace. In fact, we have already communicated with a company that is interested in creating an iDeal gateway.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • barateau

    I would like to see Payson and Klarna for the Swedish market.

    Payson is a Swedish version of Paypal owned by Tradera “a Ebay company”.

    And Klarna is offering a few ways to pay also.

    3 people like this.
  • Chris

    Would love if iDeal would be implemented for Jobroller. In the Netherlands 80% of all online payments are through them.

    2 people like this.

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