Vantage 1.2 Released

Vantage 1.2 has been released! This release, Vantage’s most Event-ful release ever, really puts Vantage on the map big time. Vantage has navigated and sorted through many new features and excels across multiple categories of greatness.

Check out this list of the highlighted features for version 1.2:

Introducing Events, a new post type that works right along side of Vantage’s Listings. Events are like Listings but are date based items used to show upcoming events.

Single Event View:

Event Date Filtered List:

Event Form:

Threaded Comments:

Just like listings, you can charge for events and allow featured events. Pricing for events is completely up to you – provide events for free or charge a fee. Events also comes with a whole new batch of widgets: create event button, popular events, recently added events, similar events and upcoming events.

One more special, custom widget worth noting is the event attendees widget. This widget let’s users RSVP for event or see who else is attending an event. You can read more about this widget and how to use it in our Setting Up and Using the Event Attendees Widget tutorial.

Multiple categories are now supported and are available for both Listings and Events. We also added category surcharges. Surcharges allow you to charge a little more for posting events in specific categories.

Vantage adds a ton of convenient sorting options for both events and listings.

New AppMaps

In Vantage 1.2, we have moved map settings to a new location: Admin > Vantage > Geo Settings. This is done in anticipation of the soon-to-be-released AppMaps plugin which will allow alternatives to the Google Maps API that comes standard with Vantage. As before, the Geo Settings will control how Vantage works with map APIs to determine locations and distances.

There is now a widgetized sidebar and new widget that will display a big map at the top of the list pages. This new map widget will display different colored markers for Listings and Events. Each marker links directly to the Listing or Event.

The map widget now also includes Google driving directions. Driving directions are optional and can be enabled within the widget settings. With a simple button push, users can print the directions in an easily readable format.

Contact Listing / Event Owner

Your visitors can now contact the Listing owners or Event organizers directly, through a popup contact form available on each Listing and Event page.

How Do I get This Update?

That’s a huge list and there is an even longer list of resolved issues and code improvements that’s too long to list here. By now, you must be wondering how to get your hands on the new release. You can download a copy from your customer dashboard. Or better yet, download and install the AppThemes Updater Plugin to make updating a snap!

New Tutorials

To help you along with all these new improvements, we created new tutorials and updated some of our exiting tutorials. As always, our helpful support team is ready to assist you with any needs.

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 Comments (34)

  • customer

    Great job, long awaited update here and looks good indeed. Really does require recurring payment option of some sorts for both listings and events. Really crucial – but of course there will always be some feature missing 🙂 but definitely recurring payments is a key one in my humble opinion. Once more nice job on this.

    10 people like this.
    • Shannon Dunn

      Thanks James! Recurring is in the works.

      7 people like this.
      • Daniel

        Payment features are the only updates I wanted (and we all need). A better notification system for renewal of listings, plus recurring payment options are ESSENTIAL (far more essential than events).

        9 people like this.
        • harbingers

          Yes, I bought this theme awhile ago but can’t use it without recurring billing. This should be a PRIORITY.

          2 people like this.
          • harbingers

            Seriously, this would be one bad-ass theme with recurring billing. It would be the best out there but until that, it just a tease.

            You are so close to being the VERY BEST.

            6 people like this.
      • customer

        Good to know, recurring should be the buzz word in the next release, recurring payments and recurring events 😉

        4 people like this.
  • justinkase

    I just updated to 1.2 and now have a drop down for filtering my listings at the top before my listings with text links under the drop down. It looks bad. Is this a bug?

    Anonymous likes this.
    • staff

      @justinkase, You can see how the filter is supposed to look on the Vantage demo site. If yours is not like that, our support team will be more than happy to have a look at your site if you could please start a thread in the relevant section of the support forums. Thanks.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • customer

    any updates in translation files?

  • customer

    Woohoo! Thanks guys for releasing it – I’ve been really excited to see the final product!

    4 people like this.
  • customer

    Any ideas how to merge old translation with a new one?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Aditya

    Please add e-mail id and contact person name option in listing.csv.

    • staff

      @Aditya, this information is connected to the “Author”, which is found on the example .csv file. Thanks.

      4 people like this.
  • customer

    I like the update. Can’t complain much right now but I would like to see stronger review features and ultimately a more social experience. I’m really impressed by all the sorting functionality on the home page but it leaves me wondering why the same thing wasn’t implemented on the individual listings themselves. I hope this can be implemented on the next release since it doesn’t seem like too difficult a task given that it’s already been done elsewhere. I also hope more sorting and review features will be implemented in the near future. There was a lot of focus on geo-related upgrades this time around and personally they don’t apply to my site nor do I think they should be prioritized over more imperative upgrades.

    I’m not sure how the ideas exchange methodology works but it looks like many of the most popular ideas aren’t being implemented while some ideas that are brand new are being thrust into implementation. It doesn’t follow the process outlined, so I’m just wondering if there is a better way to vocalize our preferences. There should also be a way to edit or group ideas so that minor adjustments/additions can be made or seemingly related ideas could be grouped together instead of taking on a completely separate ballot and having to gain votes from scratch.

    There was talk about appthemes releasing a theme for vantage is there any progress on that? Or if you could share your vision for the theme that would be great too. Good Job!

    3 people like this.
    • staff

      @danielh, thanks for your feedback! At this point the Ideas Exchange is still the best way to vocalize your suggestions, and our development team definitely do look at these. We will make efforts to review that part of the site asap, as this is admittedly in need of updating to clear out some of the features already implemented and give more feedback on existing ideas. Keeping in mind that although ideas are submitted, not all will definitely be implemented, and whilst some of the more popular suggestions are still there, this is often because the team are discussing how it could be done, particularly if it’s of a more complex nature. Sometimes also, ideas which seem newer and are added may simply be items already planned. Thanks.

      4 people like this.
      • customer

        I understand that not all ideas may be implemented, but at this point I’m failing to see it’s purpose and how to benefit from it after using it for a year now. If an idea is going to be declined, it should be declined quickly and before it becomes a popular one so we don’t waste votes. IMO, I think there’s been one? major update over the past year with only a few additions, and I would expect much more than that in that much time (especially with the renewal fee). If I don’t know what the vision for the site is and I’m getting a few upgrades that plugins could accomplish quickly, then I wouldn’t have to wait a year or pay a renewal fee for upgrades that don’t benefit me. Thanks.

        3 people like this.
        • staff

          @danielh, we don’t decline items immediately because we do like to allow time for community to give feedback on these, and as I mentioned, this does need to be updated as well. In terms of theme updates though, you can view the theme version history here, and there have been 2 major updates in the last year, with fairly consistent minor releases throughout the year as well. Thanks.

          3 people like this.
  • customer

    Buenas noches:

    Tengo un problema al usar el vantage en español, cada vez que activo el idioma español en el archivo wp-config.php, el vantage comienza a fallar y me manda el siguiente error: Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /home/htamayc/public_html/wp-content/themes/vantage/includes/payments/gateways/paypal/paypal.php on line 132
    y lo vuelvo a dejar en ingles y todos los errores desaparecen.

    Anonymous likes this.
    • staff

      @htamayc, Si usted pudiera por favor, inicie una sesión en los foros AppThemes y publicar un hilo aquí en relación con las cuestiones que usted ha descrito, nuestro equipo de apoyo será más que feliz de ayudar aún más. Gracias (Por favor, disculpe esta traducción con Google translate)

      Anonymous likes this.
  • customer


    I was wondering if it is possible to get my advertiser’s listings to show up organically with their star ratings. If this is not currently done, is there a way to make this happen? I use Yoast Local SEO plugin and I am hoping that this may help.



    Anonymous likes this.
  • Niels

    We are considering a shift from Directory (by AIT) to Vantage. We have at lot of content already, in Directory saved as “Items”. What will we have to do so we can reuse data?

    2 people like this.
    • staff

      @Niels, Vantage itself also uses custom post types, however the “Items” from the other theme are likely not to be automaticaly recognized as “Listings” in Vantage. In this case, you could either make use of the Vantage .csv import tool as shown here in the Vantage admin demo (meaning, exporting the data into this format first, then re-importing it), OR if you have knowledge of mysql admin you could potentially migrate the data over to the correct location. If you have a particularly large database you may like to read this documentation. Thanks.

      2 people like this.
  • George

    I am trying to find out if I can search the Listings and Events with additional search box (not just NEAR) like (City,State, Country).

    is there are a way I can customize this?


    2 people like this.
    • staff

      @George, Vantage is not encrypted so you are free to modify it as you wish. We recommend the use of a child theme if you are looking to make changes as this will prevent you from losing all of your modifications in the process of an update. Thanks.

      2 people like this.
  • Thallyson

    O tema é um dos melhores, mas o mapa grande que fica na página principal é muito feio, se vocês arrumarem isso eu compro!!

    • staff

      @Thallyson, O grande mapa é opcional, então se você não quiser que ele apareça na página principal, então você não precisa adicionar o widget. Obrigado.(Por favor, desculpe a tradução, eu estou usando o Google Translate)

      Anonymous likes this.
      • Thallyson Barbosa

        É que eu preciso desse mapa grande na página inicial, ele é muito útil para mim, o problema é que ele não tem nenhum estilo, e o plugin SUPREMAPS é muito caro para mim comprar, eu deixo aqui minha sugestão para deixar o tema mais perfeito ainda, arrumar esse mapa, colocar categorias, ter como trocar os marcadores, se isso muda-se eu compro. Muito Obrigado.

        2 people like this.
        • Thallyson

          Na minha opinião, o melhor que seja feito era disponibilizar o plugin SUPERMAPS do tema Vantage de graça ou criarem um próprio de vocês para personalizar, pois o que está não serve para quem precisa dele.

          Anonymous likes this.
          • staff

            @Thallyson, Obrigado pelo seu feedback. Para esclarecer, o plugin Mapsupreme não é um produto feito por AppThemes, ele foi criado por um de nossos desenvolvedores mercado e estava disponível antes Vantage tinha a opção de adicionar o grande mapa da homepage. Este é apenas para explicar por que não oferecer o produto de graça;)

            Como Vantage continua a ser desenvolvido, você pode ver as opções mais relacionadas com o mapa, por isso, continuar a seguir o nosso blog para atualizações sobre novos lançamentos. Obrigado.

            Anonymous likes this.

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