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HireBee is a freelance marketplace theme for WordPress. Employers post projects and freelancers start the bidding. You setup the pricing plans and take a cut of each project. It’s easy to monetize any niche by providing a crowdsourced project matchmaking service!

Sites like Elance, Upwork, Freelancer, oDesk, and 99designs and perfect examples of this type of successful model.

Flexible, Powerful Pricing Plans

Pricing plans give you plenty of ways to generate income. Create multiple pricing plans. Assign plans to categories. Offer featured projects on home page and category pages. Your imagination will be the only limit to the kinds of plans you create.

Credit Plans

Site owners can also monetize on freelancers proposals via “Credit Plans”. These are similar to pricing plans but they use a credit system that enables freelancers to send and/or feature proposals. Credit plans can be set to be sold as single or packs of credits.

Escrow Ready

If you use our Stripe gateway addon (comes free with the Club package) then you can use the escrow functionality for your Hirebee site. For each agreed project you can hold the money until work ends (via Stripe Connect). On completed projects, the money held in escrow minus any site commissions will be automatically transferred to the freelancer. On non completed projects, employers are automatically refunded. You can view the full setup details in our documentation here.

Foundation Framework

Foundation is one of the fastest and best responsive design frameworks out there. It’s easily accessible from any browsers or mobile device and very popular amongst developers and designers by virtue of being so easy to work with.

Clean & Simple Modern Design

HireBee follows the current trend for a clean and simple modern design. Choose from five built-in color schemes or customize using the WordPress tool.


Every important action in HireBee triggers a notification that will be immediately visible on the users dashboard and is also sent by email so users are always up to date. Notifications can be managed from the users dashboard.

User Dashboard

The dashboard is the nerve center for your site’s users – a single page where they have access to all their notifications, projects, proposals, purchases, reviews, contact info, site stats and favorites. Each project is clearly marked with their current status.

Monetize Your Site

Creating a marketplace for employers and freelancers can be a great source of income. With Hirebee, you charge for posting, featuring and mark projects as urgent, and for posting and/or featuring proposals. You can also generate income from traffic with free projects.

Custom Project Form

We could try to think of all the fields needed for a project form but we would never match every site requirement. Our powerful form builder lets you create your own project form by allowing you to add your own custom fields.

Separate or Shared Roles

Usually employers posts projects, and freelancers apply to projects but sometimes employers can also be freelancers and vice-versa. You can easily give this flexibility to your site users by enabling “Shared Roles Capabilities” so each role share capabilities.

Participants Workspace

After a project is assigned to a freelancer, both participants, employer and freelancer, get access to a unique Workspace were they can both manage the project. It acts like the core hub for a project were all the related information can be accessed and managed.

User Favorites

With so many projects available, users need to choose the ones that better fit their skills. Users can mark projects as “favorite” so they can view them in their customer dashboard.

Easy File Uploading

We like WordPress’s backend media manager UI so much that we’ve changed so it also works on the frontend. This means that file uploads are done using the familiar simply and easy to user WordPress media manager interface. Better yet, you can easily control upload file types, size and limits.

Terms Negotiation

After an employer chooses a project candidate, it’s important that both parties agree their terms for the project before the official assignment. At this time, employers and freelancers can negotiate with each other until they are both happy or unhappy with each other terms.

Choose Candidates

Employers can easily access their projects proposals from within their dashboard and from there analyze and choose the winning proposal. At this time, the proposal author becomes a candidate to work on the project.

Save Filters Widget

Frequent users should be able to browse through their most relevant projects without going through all the categories and subcategories each time they need to find projects. HireBee provides a simple solution through the use of a widget that allows your registered users to save any filter for later use.

Fast and Easy Project Matching

Through skills, category or location type filters your site users can easily find the most relevant projects for their skills.

Post a Project

Besides the usual title, description, category and sub-category fields, includes budget type, budget currency, location, skills, tags, file uploading and duration (free projects only, paid projects duration is set in the price plan). Additional fields can be added using the custom form builder.

Credits Perks

Give something to your users to make them coming back to your site. Perks in HireBee are represented as free credits for freelancers. Site owners can offer free credits for each new registered user. Credits can also be offered each month.

Easy Administration

Running your AppThemes site is easy. We include options for just about everything so you’re comfortable managing your business operations.

Dedicated Blog

Keep the marketing beat going by writing content on your blog. It’s part of the theme, yet completely separated out using the native WordPress posts module.

Sidebars Galore

HireBee comes packed with sidebars that can be used for adding widgets. Different sidebars can be used through most of the site sections, including the ‘Post a Project’ and ‘Apply to Project’ forms.

SEO Friendly

We understand how important SEO is for your business. Our themes are built to instantly take advantage of SEO best practices. All you need to worry about is running your business.

Child Themes & Plugins

Change the look of your site with a 3rd party child theme. Add additional functionality with an aftermarket plugin. All our themes make it easy to bolt on other items.

AppThemes API

Developers can easily customize functionality without having to modify the original code. We use WordPress action and filter hooks which makes it a breeze to build on top our products.

Additional Benefits

Free Product Updates

Product updates are complimentary the first 12 months. As our products continue to evolve, you'll be able take advantage of all new features and fixes.

Quick & Easy Setup

It won't take long to get up and running as most features work out of the box. Spend time selling instead of getting bogged down with configuring options.

Clean Open Source Code

Our code is written with high standards and well commented for easy understanding. It's 100% open so your developer can edit as needed.

Multi-Language Support

Drop in one of our free language packs provided by our community or translate it on your own. It's flexible enough to do either.

Global Support Team

Our support team is multilingual and globally dispersed for a balanced layer of customer coverage. We're available to help and answer your questions.

Built by WordPress Pros

Our products are handcrafted by top WordPress developers. The knowledge and experience runs deep which means our products are top-notch.

Purchase Options

Our pricing is simple and you can upgrade your plan at any time.



  • HireBee theme
  • Lifetime license
  • Unlimited websites
  • 12 months support
  • 12 months updates 
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  • All themes 
  • 20+ Marketplace items 
  • Lifetime license
  • Unlimited websites
  • 12 months support
  • 12 months updates 
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Over $1,400 in products (best value)!


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