
JobRoller v1.4 is Now Available

We’ve been real busy the last several weeks delivering some awesome updates to both Clipper and now JobRoller. With that being said, the highly anticipated update to JobRoller is now available. This is a new feature and bug fix release so all customers should upgrade. There was a total of 38 tickets completed which include several new features. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

The most notable features in this release include: a completely new “job seekers” portal where candidates can register, submit resumes/CVs, browse existing resume/CV database, bookmark jobs, manage their profile/resumes, and get recommended jobs with our new smart job matching engine. We’ve also improved the Indeed integration and added new hooks that work with the AppThemes API.

This release makes JobRoller the most advanced job board theme on the market. Existing customers can download it from their customer dashboard. If you haven’t purchased it yet, now’s the time to pull the trigger! Check out the live demo to see it in action.



Since v1.4, we have released v1.4.1 and v1.4.2 which are both bug fixes. If you have not yet upgraded from v1.3.1 then just install the v1.4.2 patch (or full version).

How Can I Get This Version?

Existing customers can login to their customer account and download the latest version.

How Do I Upgrade?

If you haven’t made any changes to the theme files then the easiest method is to just do a complete upgrade (download the full 1.4.2 version). Then follow the “How to Upgrade Versions” guide. If you’ve made modifications to the core theme files, then we recommend installing the patch version instead. Then follow the “Installing a Patch” guide.


Anything related to support should be posted in the support forum where our dedicated support team can assist you.

What Files Have Changed?

Many of our customers have done customizations to the core theme files and want to know exactly which files have been added, modified, and removed. In addition to providing the latest full version download, we also include a patch release. This will be a much smaller download and only include the files that have changed since the previous release.

So instead of having to read through the change log and figure out what files have been modified, you can just download the patch and sftp the files directly into your existing theme folder. You’ll still want to deactivate and then reactivate your theme so everything gets updated correctly but this will improve your upgrading experience.

Make sure to read the “Installing a Patch” guide if you decide to go this route.

Here’s the list of all files affected in the 1.4 release (from v1.3.1).

loop-resume.php	Added
includes/js/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js	Added
images/profile-facebook.png	Added
author.php	Added
search-resume.php	Added
taxonomy.php	Added
single-resume.php	Added
archive-resume.php	Added
sidebar-resume.php	Added
tpl-job-seeker-dashboard.php	Added
tpl-edit-resume.php	Added
tpl-dashboard.php	Added
includes/forms/seeker-prefs	Added
log/jobroller_log.txt	Added
includes/js/jquery.tag.js	Added
includes/js/jquery.qtip.min.js	Added
header-search.php	Added
includes/forms/resume	Added
images/share.png	Added
images/check.png	Added
images/to-delete.png	Added
images/fancybox	Added
images/resume_icon.png	Added
images/star.png	Added
images/profile-linkedin.png	Added
images/profile-twitter.png	Added
includes/forms/submit-resume	Added
includes/theme-users.php	Added
includes/indeed	Added
header-resume-search.php	Added
includes/js/jquery.elastic.js	Added
tpl-edit-job.php	Modified
tpl-profile.php	Modified
tpl-submit.php	Modified
style.css	Modified
search.php	Modified
jobroller-no-admin.pot	Modified
includes/theme-emails.php	Modified
taxonomy-job_cat.php	Modified
images/index.php	Modified
includes/featured-jobs.php	Modified
includes/appthemes-functions.php	Modified
includes/theme-stats.php	Modified
includes/theme-actions.php	Modified
includes/theme-cron.php	Modified
tpl-contact.php	Modified
includes/theme-header.php	Modified
includes/sidebar-nav.php	Modified
includes/js/flot/jquery.flot.min.js	Modified
includes/js/theme-scripts.js	Modified
includes/forms/application/application-process.php	Modified
includes/sidebar-user.php	Modified
includes/forms/register/register-process.php	Modified
includes/forms/register/register-form.php	Modified
includes/forms/confirm-job/confirm-job-process.php	Modified
includes/forms/confirm-job/confirm-job-form.php	Modified
includes/theme-hooks.php	Modified
includes/index.php	Modified
includes/forms/filter/filter-form.php	Modified
includes/forms/login/login-form.php	Modified
includes/forms/preview-job/preview-job-form.php	Modified
includes/forms/submit-job/submit-job-form.php	Modified
includes/forms/submit-job/submit-job-process.php	Modified
includes/forms/edit-job/edit-job-process.php	Modified
includes/forms/edit-job/edit-job-form.php	Modified
includes/forms/edit-job/relist-job-process.php	Modified
includes/js/jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js	Modified
includes/admin/admin-enqueue.php	Modified
includes/admin/admin-post-types.php	Modified
includes/admin/admin-options.php	Modified
includes/theme-login.php	Modified
includes/admin/admin-scripts.js	Modified
includes/admin/admin-orders.php	Modified
includes/admin/admin-values.php	Modified
includes/admin/admin-style.css	Modified
includes/admin/index.php	Modified
includes/admin/write-panel.php	Modified
includes/admin/install-script.php	Modified
includes/theme-geolocation.php	Modified
includes/theme-widgets.php	Modified
includes/classes/orders.class.php	Modified
includes/sidebar-sjob.php	Modified
includes/appthemes-hooks.php	Modified
includes/theme-enqueue.php	Modified
includes/theme-security.php	Modified
includes/theme-functions.php	Modified
includes/theme-support.php	Modified
includes/gateways/index.php	Modified
taxonomy-job_tag.php	Modified
jobroller-no-admin.po	Modified
archive.php	Modified
sidebar-job.php	Modified
single-job_listing.php	Modified
sidebar-page.php	Modified
sidebar-user.php	Modified
header.php	Modified
includes/theme-sidebars.php	Modified
includes/gateways/admin-gateway-values.php	Modified
tpl-job-cats.php	Modified
css/style-pro-blue.css	Modified
taxonomy-job_salary.php	Modified
css/style-pro-green.css	Modified
css/style-pro-gray.css	Modified
css/style-basic.css	Modified
css/pro.css	Modified
css/hacks/index.php	Modified
css/style-default.css	Modified
404.php	Modified
css/index.php	Modified
css/style-pro-red.css	Modified
css/style-pro-orange.css	Modified
jobroller.pot	Modified
index.php	Modified
sidebar.php	Modified
sidebar-submit.php	Modified
tpl-jobs-by-date.php	Modified
changelog.txt	Modified
loop-job.php	Modified
jobroller.po	Modified
taxonomy-job_type.php	Modified
tpl-myjobs.php	Modified
includes/theme-indeed.php	Deleted


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